Monday, 18 February 2013


Apple's iOS has Flaws, Will it survive in Market?

Apple's iOS 6.1 was released in January, it has many flaws and recent flaws arises the question that will it survive the Apple's business in enterprise market?

Since its releasing, the Apple company had make many updates to fix problems but they didn't succeed and minor upgrade 6.1.1 came with the connectivity issue with device using software.

Recently, a major flaw is discovered in the implementation of software named Microsoft ActiveSync, which allows an iOS device to synchronize the contacts, email information and calendar with a computer or server.

After that another bug was discovered with OS this week in the passcode lock of iPhone. With some effort this bug can be covered.

Nowadays, Blackberry refreshing their products, Samsung is making a mobile device management to work with safe and other vendors work, so it could be more challenging for Apple to compete and survive their enterprise market. At this time when a man has a number of choices, the start of an iOS with these kind of errors is not good for Apple.

The recent bugs in iOS could be age-related, may be this iOS is getting too heavy, updates break the things and and program starts under its own weight, Microsoft software has the same problem over the years.

Final Words

However, some of the problems with iOS are not the Apple's fault completely. Like, ActiveSync is not the Apple's technology, this is the proprietary technology component and it licenses from another company. Apple may have peripheral bug to this software module which causes the misbehave but more likely to wait for module vendor 'Microsoft' to fix this problem.

Nevertheless, Blackberry has the gold standard in security for enterprise mobile market, and Samsung has shown some smartness with mobile device management, so Apple has the security challenge and their reputation.

These bugs and flaws related to enterprise aspects of iPhone which are occurring in Apple's iPhone as Apple's rivals are making moves to grab BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) market.

At the end, I would say that apart from these bugs and flaws, Apple has the reputation in market and a number of users and fans and they have the time to fix these problems and compete their rivals.


Author: Muhammad Faheem Usama
Muhammad Faheem Usama is a professional blogger, web designer/ developer and Founder of BHD. He belongs to Read More →