Friday, 4 January 2013


Why Google Bans A Website for AdSense

Sometimes you have shocked when you see the message from google adsense "Your Google Adsense Account has been disabled". And you do not know that why your Adsense account has been banned. There are many reasons for this. Google never banned an account without a reason. So never make fault the google but care your account from your side. Because if once your Google Adsense account has been disabled, you can not restore it and can never get another account too. So keep in mind some reasons that google tells and you came to know them after getting banned. Therefore keep a deep eye on the reasons below and take care of your Google Adsense Account.

Including Copyrighted Material

Whenever you write a post for your blog or website, use your own original contents. Do not copy contents from any other website or blog without permission of the owner. Remember that only the keywords are not considered copyrighted but all images, graphics, photographs and videos are also remain in the circle of copyright. So never copy the material without permission. Whenever the owner of the content will file a report to google, your Google Adsense account will be disabled. You can create you own images with different style and can publish it easily. You have to do some hard work and remember that hard work is key to success and your original content will be proved fruitful to you and your blog.
If you are running a blog or website of software and games, then do not keep the links of cracks or serial numbers or any full version software and games. You can put the links of Freeware or Trial version of software and games.

Invalid Clicks

You also know well that you can not click your own ads even for testing or never can offer to your friend or anyone to click on ads. Sometimes, you accidentally click your own ad but there is no mater for infrequently accidentally clicks. Mostly publishers also come to know about some frequently invalid clicks. So instantly report those activity to google so that your google adsense account remain safe. Remember that google detects invalid clicks easily and you never paid for any click from that ip address. So do not hesitate to report the invalid click activity to save your Google Adsense Account.

Sharing Your AdSense Earning and Reports

Never share your revenue report with anybody or publish it. Sometimes if you have to publish some reports for a kind of your post e.g. CTR, eCPM etc then erase your e-mail address, publisher ID, earnings and other information that are personal to you. If you publish your personal information of revenue then google may banned you so avoid to do this.

Running Blog Without Privacy Policy

If you are running a personal blog or website then you have to add "Privacy Policy" for your blog or website. It is required by Google Adsense to include it. Here is the guideline paragraph to make you privacy policy from google adsense.
AdSense publishers must have and abide by a privacy policy that discloses that third parties may be placing and reading cookies on your users' browsers, or using web beacons to collect information as a result of ad serving on your website. [obtained from Google Adsense Program Policy]
You must keep the link of your "Privacy Policy" page at the footer of the page near the copyright message so that it looks like more professional.

Including Pornographic Material or Any Other Illegal Material or Links

Google do not allow the adult content. So you can not include pornography, adults, mature, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, hacking, cracking or any other illegal material into your website or blog. You can see the complete list of restricted contents and material on Google Adsense Program Policy Page below the "Content guideline".

Getting Traffic from Un-Natural Way

If you are generating traffic in an un-natural way then also google will ban you. For example, if you are using some traffic exchange site then google will also ban you. You can not buy your traffic etc from PTC (Pay To Click) sites. To improve your traffic always use the natural way e.g. write original contents, launch your blog or website completely with all meta descriptions. Never paid a penny for your traffic, improving rank, backlinks etc because all your money will waste and your adsense account will be banned too.

Making Confusion to Google Adsense Ads Layout

Do not apply for ads network that confuse the Google Adsense ads. It means that you can not place the ads on the same site that are similar to google ads in layout and previews. You can not add the ads which have pop-up or pop-under pages. So try to keep adsense alone. You can also put the ads those are quite different in style from adsense e.g. some image ads or monthly basis ads.

Multiple Adsense Accounts

You can not have multiple accounts even within same address. If google detects multiple account they will disable all your accounts. So be careful and never create. You can use you same adsense account for multiple sites those meet the all requirements and policies of google adsense. So there is no need to get multiple accounts. If by some mistake, you get multiple account then report google about that account with excuse so that your adsense account remain safe.

I hope these information will be helpful for those who are new in blogging and web development. So if you want to have google adsense account for ever then put the ads on your blog or website and forget about this, just keep intention to your blogging and posting. Google will always care for your revenue according to your skill. :-) 
Best Wishes.


Author: Muhammad Faheem Usama
Muhammad Faheem Usama is a professional blogger, web designer/ developer and Founder of BHD. He belongs to Read More →