Saturday, 5 January 2013


Write Offline Posts and Switch Between Your Blogs

Windows Live Writer is very popular and cool editor to write blog posts. No mater what platform are you using e.g. Wordpress, Blogger, Share Point, TypePad or any other else. Windows Live Writer provide you a single platform to edit posts even if you are using all of them for your blogs. You just have to create your account. You also can add more than one account e.g. blogger and wordpress. If you have more than one blog on blogger then no mater you can add them.
The very benefit of this writer is that you can switch from your one blog to other blog just with single click. You can also write your post offline and can publish it later. 

Benefits of Windows Live Writer

There are many benefits of Windows Live Writer than Blogger Editor. These are the mostly important.

  1. In Blogger Editor you can not re-size the image just can edit it to small, medium, large, x-large or original size. So it is difficult for new bloggers to adjust it of your choice. While you can change the size of images of your choice by using your mouse in Windows Live Writer.
  2. You can add world map using Windows Live Writer.
  3. In this writer you can add tables which is not possible in blogger interface.
  4. You can add effects to images of your choice e.g. rounded corners, shadows etc.
  5. Although you can align image in blogger interface as right, left and center but sometimes it damages the layout of your blog paragraph while it is very easy in Windows Live Writer.

So there are many other benefits of Windows Live Writer over the Blogger Editor. Although you can do anything in Blogger HTML Editor but it is not easy for everyone. Only those who can know how of HTML can use it, so Windows Live Writer is quite better for all.

Remember that if you are using Windows XP then you have to install Windows Installer before installing Windows Live Writer. Windows Live Writer is a part of Windows Live Essentials. 
Download Windows Installer here.
Download Windows Live Essentials.


Author: Muhammad Faheem Usama
Muhammad Faheem Usama is a professional blogger, web designer/ developer and Founder of BHD. He belongs to Read More →